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Quick Start: Movie Type

This guide outlines the foundational steps for configuring our plugin, ensuring you are equipped to utilize its core features. By the end, you'll have established a basic movie management subsystem.


Don't forget to enable the plugin after installation!

Alongside this guide, we invite you to watch a live experience of setting up and using the plugin. The video below provides a step-by-step walkthrough, showcasing the real-time UI and workflows in action, complementing the instructions in this guide:

1. Configuration File

The root schema of your vault, which serves as the primary configuration for the plugin, is stored in the typing.otl file located at the vault's root.

  1. If the typing.otl file is absent, create it using the Typing: Create root schema command.
  2. Open the file to access the OTL code editor where you can begin configuring the plugin.

2. Type Declaration: Movie

To start, define the Movie type:

type Movie {


To make this type functional, you must assign it to a specific folder. The plugin relies on the designated folders to identify and process notes based on their respective types. Here's how to specify the folder for our Movie type:

type Movie {
folder = "typed/movies"

Upon using the Typing: Create command, the Movie type will be available for selection. Notes created under this type will be stored within the typed/movies folder.

Customize the Movie type with a recognizable icon and prefix:

type Movie {
folder = "typed/movies"
icon = "fas fa-film"
prefix = "MOV"
Icons & Prefixes

The icon parameter utilizes CSS classes from FontAwesome. While Obsidian Typing includes the FontAwesome Free collection, users with FontAwesome Pro should adjust their settings to disable FontAwesome Free. Explore the available icons on FontAwesome.

Notes of the Movie type will be prefixed with "MOV". For dynamic prefixing options, including time and serial numbers, refer to our Walkthrough.

3. Adding Metadata to the Movie Type

The versatility of a type is enhanced by its metadata. Implement the following metadata fields for the Movie type:

type Movie {
folder = "typed/movies"
icon = "far fa-film"
prefix = "MOV"

fields {
status: Choice["planned", "watched"] = "planned"
priority: Number[min=1, max=5] = 2
rating: Number[min=1, max=10]
country: Tag[dynamic=true]
year: Number[min=1900, max=2100]
director: Tag[dynamic=true]
cast: List[Tag[dynamic=true]]
tags: List[Tag[dynamic=true]]
Field Types

Explore the available field types in the Field Types Reference.

4. Creating a Movie App

With the Movie type established, you can now create a view note to use as an entrypoint to the movie management subsystem. Use dataview queries for organization and display:

# Movies

## Planned

TABLE priority as "pri", country, year, tags, director from "typed/movies"
WHERE status = "planned"

## Watched

TABLE rating, country, year, tags, director from "typed/movies"
WHERE status = "watched"
SORT rating DESC
Next Steps

You have successfully configured a basic movie management subsystem with our plugin. To delve deeper into advanced features, proceed to our Walkthrough.